My Top 2 Christmas Market Desserts.

Dutch Pancakes in making...
Newcastle's International Christmas Market
Date: 19th November 2016 - 11 December 2016
Operating Time:
Monday - Wednesday: 9am - 8pm
Thursday - Saturday: 9am - 9pm
Sunday: 10am - 5pm

How to get there?
Location: Grey's Monument, Grey Street and Grainger Street

Been here for the past 3 years and the dutch pancake and churros stalls get me excited every year!
I don't mind the bloody cold weather + wind + rain, but when I get my dessert from this market, I'm a happy girls!

Holland Dutch Pancake Stall 
A small stall in the middle of the Christmas market (easily spotted since this stall always have a queue).
This is the menu along with the prices...
Small - 15 pieces
Large - probably 30 pieces (sorry I'm not very sure because I bought the small one)

While waiting for my pancakes, I saw this cute miniature displayed at the stall. 

Dutch pancake; 
Size: Small 
Topping: Nutella and maple syrup

Me and my friend enjoying our dutch pancakes!

My Ratings
Taste: 9/10 (great combination and it doesn't taste very sweet with the toppings)
Value for Money: 6/10 (well, 15 small pieces of pancakes for £ 3.50...)
Recommend Degree: 8/10 (you will get addicted to this once you try them!)

Spain Dessert: Churros Stall 
A small stall right opposite to The Charles Grey bar.
I got the normal Churros with icing sugar + cinnamon powder which costed me £ 4.00
It's very filling since its pretty thick (look at the amount of batter used in them)

Even though they are oily and high in calories, I'm gonna ignore it for today since I love them! 
*ate them all up*
Since I bought them quite early in the morning, there's not oily aftertaste since the oil is still fresh (bare in mind that most of the oil are reused to fry these churros). If you happen to buy then later in the evening you might taste a bit of oily flavouring in your churros since most of the oil were reused and I tasted them before and I seriously HATE it.

My Ratings
Taste: 7/10 (oily but not very sweet with the icing sugar + cinnamon powder) 
Value for Money: 6/10 (well, there's about 7 thick churros pieces ...)
Recommend Degree: 8/10 (easily addicted and in another way some might hate it since it's pretty greasy)

So technically, these are my favourite 2 desserts that I will always buy whenever I'm browsing around in the Christmas Markets.
If you happen to be in Newcastle, please feel free to drop by and enjoy some of their foods.
